Bruce Springsteens Wrecking Ball turnè kan fortsette langt inn i 2013 ifølge rykter de siste dagene. I helgen ble Little Steven intervjuet av en argentisk jorunalist som var tilstede under konserten i Lisboa. Der sa Little Steven at de vil forsøke å komme ned mot slutten av året, eller tidlig neste år. Vi får håpe dette blir en realitet, og at Australia igjen kan få etterlengtede konserter!

Fra spanske Point Blank Magazine:

«06.06.12 According to serveral sources, Bruce Springsteen plans to continue his Wrecking Ball tour in 2013. The tour plans are in the works now, pending to be confirmed, and they could include shows in the U.S., Europe, Japan, Australia and South America, though nothing is set in stone yet. And if you think this is just the usual rumour, just a few days ago Steve Van Zandt was interviewed in Lisbon by the Argentinian newspaper La Nación and mentioned the possibility:

-It’s common to say everybody comes to Buenos Aires to play, and seems this is gonna happen when you come back.

-We’re gonna try this year. I assume at the end of this year or, at the most, early next year, we’ll be down there with this tour. It is ridiculous, isn’t it? We don’t know why we hadn’t come all these years. We know we have a lot of Argentinian fans, people who’d love to see the band. Maybe my TV succes can bring us down there (laughs). Please tell all your readers that we want to go and we’re gonna try it.»